Online Store


Launched in response to the fashion needs of creative professionals, we are devoted to bring you a tightly edited selection of unique, wearable, and affordable clothing and accessories by contemporary designers and independent labels from the U.S. and abroad.

There is something for everybody to love at this store, with 50 private labels to choose from. Differentiating with owned brands and curated selection of national brand products is core to our strategy, and what guests expect from this store.

Individually, our values may seem obvious. But put them together and out unique company culture is born. Our values are part of who we are, what we stand for and how we act.

We are One Team

Our great colleagues make the difference. Its when we share our skills, knowledge and experience we become one team. Diversity makes us strong. We encourage and help each other to achieve our goals, while always having our customers' and company's best interest in mind. We win as a team, we lose as a team. We have fun as a team. We're on this great shared adventure together.

We Believe in People

With belief and trust in people around you, anything is possible. That's why we build our workspace on trust, respect, inclusiveness and integrity. We challenge you with great responsibility from the start, because when you develop, the company develops too. Every one of us can make a difference. So have fun, be yourself and respect others for who they are. Together we can do great things.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

The day we stop acting like entrepreneurs, we’ll be just another fashion company. Our success is built on creativity, innovation and the excitement of making immediate impact. So whatever our role, we look for opportunity and take initiatives that set our business in motion. Although we’re big, breaking new ground is just as important today as it was when we started. We’re still competing for every single customer’s heart, and we work hard to continue to be their first choice. Every day. Everywhere.


Being cost-conscious is about keeping an eye on expenses and making smart, sustainable choices even in the small, every-day things. So we look for the ideas and solutions that bring value to our business, while avoiding careless spending. The best way to invest in the future is to take good care of our people, our products, our customers and our planet. Let’s use our resources responsibly.